Marijuana has been found to be a plant where the relationships between roots and fungus can thrive and is one of the reasons why we believe soil based mediums are essential to creating connoisseur quality marijuana and concentrates.
Mycorrhiza fungi are very important in helping provide nutrients to plant roots. These are specific types of fungi that form colonies around the outer cells of plant roots.
When properly used they also extend long threads, or hyphae, out into the plants root zone. Otherwise known as the Rhizosphere. This process forms an important relationship between the plant roots and the soil. Mycorrhizae secrete enzymes that decompose organic matter and make phosphorus and other nutrients soluble and available in plant forms.
When the fungal hyphae extend out into the root zone it increases the area from which the plant can access water. In return for mycorrhizae helping the plant obtain nutrients, when the plants roots exude organic material like carbon and other organic nutrients this feeds the fungal colony forming a perfect circle which greatly benefits the plants health.
This is a win-win for both parties with the fungus providing nutrients and water for the plants and the plants providing food for the fungus through root exudates. This is the beauty of organic gardening. Marijuana has been found to be a plant where the relationships between roots and fungus can thrive and is one of the reasons why we believe soil-based mediums are essential to creating connoisseur quality marijuana and concentrates.